Sunday, June 15, 2008

Life's Happenings: Is Malaysia's Fuel Price Cheaper?

My comment to Life's Happenings' posting: Is Malaysia's Fuel Price Cheaper?

Dear Johnny,

I found your website while reading RPK's latest article titled "You Eliminate The Plague By Killing The Rats".

True enough, whenever there's a fuel hike, our government will always compare the prices against our neighbours which is down right stupid. I say it is stupid because comparison of one item is not a fair assessment of the overall picture. It just shows the government's lack of credibility in putting the right message to the people.

At the same time, I'm quite not happy when a person chooses to say something which is not a whole picture as well. Your comparison of petrol price and the connotation of Malaysia as a net oil exporter is one such analysis i.e. incomplete!

Now that you've researched on the petrol price, have you looked on the bigger picture of the oil and gas industry?

I'd like you to compare each of the countries that you have listed above, on the following items:
1. Population
2. Oil Reserves
3. Productions Rate
4. Reserve Life

From the above, let’s see what kind of analysis you can come out with.

They say, ignorance is bliss. I left a similar note on DSAI’s blog & he has not replied yet. Maybe you could.


Friday, June 13, 2008

DSAI : Respon Kepada Pengunjung

My comments on DSAI's posting : Respon Kepada Pengunjung

Dear YBhg Datuk Seri Anwar,

Perbezaan setakat menyentuh yang Malaysia negara pengeluar, pada pendapat saya adalah analisis yang tidak sempurna dan kata-kata ahli politik yang sudah biasa didengari. Sudahkah Ybhg DSAI mencari ‘volume’ pengeluaran di Malaysia berbanding di negara negara pengeluar yang lain. Jikalau belum, harap YBhg DSAI tidak sekadar menjadi polikus populist, tetapi yang benar benar memperjuangkan kebenaraan yang Haq. Diharap perbicaraan atau kenyataan YBhg DSAI adalah atas fakta -fakta yang benar, bukan yang separuh masak sepertimana perbezaan dan analisis yang cetek yang telah dipersembahkan di lawan blog DSAI.

Ya, kami sudah celik mata, terhadap semua tipu helah. Mungkin rakyat yang membuta tuli akan percaya sebulat suara perbicaraan DSAI kerana ia satu pegangan ‘populist’ buat masa ini, tetapi buat kami yang dapat berfikir secara kritikal terhadap sesuatu informasi, apa yang dikemukakan tidak memenuhi citarasa rakyat yang berpendidikan.

Harap maklum.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Screenshot: 15 ways to cutting fuel expenses... and then some

My comment on Screenshot's posting: 15 ways to cutting fuel expenses... and then some

Dear Jeff,

Given the fact that you're a learned MP, I hope you'll press for quick resolution our public transportation which is in the states of shambles. If it’s not you (since you’re busy with technology matters), let somebody champion it. Ministry of Transportation is like a big kayu doing nothing at the moment. If they do, do inform us but no news means nothing!

For me, I can understand the global market forces that bring about the petrol price that we have today though government’s strategy of implementing it sucks to the highest order.

But what I can't understand is why NO (BIG N & O) MPs (be it from BN or PR) are fighting for a better public transportation system. Suddenly nobody is fighting for the rakyat, no?

Now that we've save A HELL LOT of money from petrol subsidies, why not somebody or anybody in the parliament (I don’t bloody care if you’re opposition or with the ruling coalition) WORK on the public transportation to improve it.

I understand that constructing the system and infrastructure will take donkey years, but the more you delay this, the longer we are going to enjoy excellent public transportation. So, please do whatever you need to do so that we move on and develop as a better nation. Come out with whatever Suruhanjaya or whatever crap you call it, JUST GET IT DONE!

I hope you’re not one of those MPs that just talk but not much is done because most of the time spent talking to people (which in Parliament it apparently shows. It’s like an executive who are busy in meetings but get minimal time to do the actual work.

Harping on the issue can only do so much. There are 1001 issues that are disturbing us. This is where Y-O-U PRIORITISE your issues and FOCUS on it. Know what your CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE is.

With better public transportation, by then only we all can reduce our reliance on our own car i.e usage of petrol.

p.s. Sorry to sound so Bossy, but you’re elected by the people for the people.