Saturday, March 22, 2008
Malaysia Today : The Ugly Malaysian
Macam ni lah. Since PKR, DAP & PAS are more determined to fight things for themselves rather than the betterment of us, the Rakyat, I'd like to suggest that RPK or any calibre person to lead us. Lead us to the promised land! Lead us to the promised land called Malaysia where we are one bangsa, one people but rich in diversity, in different cultures and colours!
It's a fucking sad case when the very people the Rakyat voted in are the same narrow-minded and short-sighted scumbags as previous ADUNs/MPs. Really is. Pathetic! No difference! Different people, same heart and mind!
How many times must the Rakyat show that it is the Rakyat Power that decides their appointment to state/parlimetary offices. So, RPK's title should be rightly so be Ugly Malaysian Politicians (all inclusive - BN, DAP, PKR, PAS semua lah!). All bodoh sombong! Fine, do it your way, we’ll do our way next GE.
So, that's the problem - enough said. Now, let's figure out the probable and potential solutions (a cynical poke to the Rakyat - we all love to complaint and complaint. Cuba la suggests some potential solutions. Give some credible solutions la sikit, logical and do-able. Do la something in your power to change things. Tau complain je, tak jauh de pergi).
Here we go! My suggestion is, if all these useless political parties play the same old music we all knew for the past 50 years; let’s create a new party that is real reflective of the Rakyat and never play up all these stupid racial/communal cards as they please. A party that is truly professional in every sense of the word (though this maybe too ideal).
RPK, we beg, that if you can, lead us to the Promised Land! I think you know the masses are behind you (but if you are the same as the rest, we’ll whack your ass too!)
Or whoever that sees himself / herself fit to lead the Rakyat to the righteous path.
We all beg. We all plead!
Please come forward the real Malaysian. The real Malaysian, please stand up, please stand up and step forward to lead us. We all beg and plead.
Lead us righteously. Lead us blindly when it comes to different colours and cultures. Be open-minded. Be far sighted.
Lead us!
Lead us!
Lead us!
Lead us to the righteous path!
So, BN ke, PAS ke, DAP ke PKR ke – beware you guys! We know exactly what to do 4 -5 years time.
p.s. Apologies for word ‘fucking’ used above. It’s just to communicate anger and frustration.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Malaysia Today : A storm in a songkok
I posted this up on Jeff Ooi's Screenshot on what he could do with
I would like to echo what RPK has iterated here. Please spend our time on more valuable discussions i.e. what value does it create out of this discussion. So, everybody, please learn to prioritise. Ask yourself are your inputs creating any value or is it just 'juicy' comments. Else, we are all virtually sitting in a meeting room, lazing off like the govt official who spends enormous of time in meetings but nothing happens after that. Action please! Not just talk cock!
Anyway, here's my input to Screenshot (I've deleted unrelated things for our readings here) :
1: Master plan
Persuade the new MBs/CMs to have a master plan of what to be achieved in the first 100 days. Checkout the best practices of new government coming into power. I'm sure internet savvy chap like you guys can find something on the Web. Worst case- Business Turnaround Plan by Idris Jala of MAS would be a good base to start with. Then, once a plan has been conjured up, everybody in the state can start to work towards it. Of course, please engage with people on the plan to get their buy in and agreed by people. This may be a challenge but your plan must fulfil the people's needs. Engagement, engagement, engagement. That is the very basis of how to become transparent!
When a new CEO of a big corporation is appointed, the first 100 days are crucial as it provides some direction to where he/she will be guiding the company.
So, this should go the same to newly appointed state officers (CM/MB & its EXCOs). If you have your plans for the 1st 100 days, kudos! If not, I’d like to suggest that you work it out. Quickly but not half past six kind of job! We’ve had enough of it.
to be continued...
continue from my previous comment...
2: Org. Structure, Job Management & Pay Philosophy
Work on the Organisational Structure, Job Management & Pay Philosophy. Okay these bits are a bit technical from Human Resource (HR) point of view but I hope you would really consider this in coming out with new Org chart and the jobs that would come with it that would eventually put the state governance in good standards, at par with world class standards.
A good and strong organisation has a robust structure that can withstand the changes both internally and externally but still deliver what it is required to do. So, make sure you have a good org. structure.
Then, secondly, analyse each job in the org chart since different job would have different size (i.e. impact, decision making power, complexity of jobs/works need to be done etc). Get these jobs evaluated and pay people at that job accordingly.
With that, decide what pay philosophy (some call rewards philosophy) you want to engage on. This is where I’d like to highlight a little bit the success of
All of the things I’ve said above can be worked out with established HR consultants. And don’t worry; I ain’t selling anything to you because I am definitely not a consultant, but just a young fellow who sees the importance of these things in any organisation. For the sake of your organisation, have good thought of it. If all of this sounds very naïve & novice, pardon me but it works freaking well in big big big corporations.
All the above would address some issues related to the operational cost(OPEX) and best that we spend on putting the right structure/support in the state.
I hope any state leaders who reads this can consider the items I have raised above as it will definitely help managing the state better. Without the right talent, you'll never get work done thus fail to meet people's need - read that your voters. Then come next general election, we all can just be like our friends in Terengganu.
Malaysia Today : Raja Petra must learn how to get facts right
This is where the onus is on the readers to make or not to make the judgement. This where it is fundamentally important that we have all of the information before taking any actions. As far as RPK is concerned, he wrote on something but it is up to the readers to analyse and make sound judgement of it. Yes RPK is responsible for what he writes but you, the reader, is equally responsible in making the judgement. Just because RPK sells the story does not mean you buy it blindly.
So, please read things with an open mind. Listen to all sides of stories. Truth will eventually come out. Be patient. Making quick conclusion is very dangerous. If you believe what is written here 'bulat-bulat', then no point of having alternative source of information.
So, to all readers of any kind of news sources. Please exercise your brains people! Analyse and do some critical thinking. Tak paham ask questions. Don’t be bodoh sombong. Don't la judge or conclude too quick on unfounded basis.
If not, go makan rumput like the cows coz they don't have to think. We all have some responsibilities to some extend, even in delivering our comments here.
Screenshot: JEFF for Malaysia
When a new CEO of a big corporation is appointed, the first 100 days are crucial as it provides some direction to where he/she will be guiding the company.
So, this should go the same to newly appointed state officers (CM/MB & its EXCOs). If you have your plans for the 1st 100 days, kudos! If not, I’d like to suggest that you work it out. Quickly but not half past six kind of job! We’ve had enough of it.
Based on your blog input, may I suggest the following items:
1 : Screenshot
For the daily running of your wonderful blog, if you're running this blog alone, please oh please hire a team like what RPK did for Malaysia Today. Doing everything by yourself is similar to Pak Lah holding too many portfolios than he can handle!
2: Master plan
Persuade the new CM of Penang to have a master plan of what to be achieved in the first 100 days. Checkout the best practices of new government coming into power. I'm sure internet savvy chap like you can find something on the Web. Worst case- Business Turnaround Plan by Idris Jala of MAS would be a good base to start with. Then, once a plan has been conjured up, everybody in the state can start to work towards it. Of course, please engage with people on the plan to get their buy in and agreed by people. This may be a challenge but your plan must fulfil the people's needs. Engagement, engagement, engagement. That is the very basis of how to become transparent!
3: Org. Structure, Job Management & Pay Philosophy
Work on the Organisational Structure, Job Management & Pay Philosophy. Okay these bits are a bit technical from Human Resource (HR) point of view but I hope you would really consider this in coming out with new Org chart and the jobs that would come with it that would eventually put the state governance in good standards, at par with world class standards.
A good and strong organisation has a robust structure that can withstand the changes both internally and externally but still deliver what it is required to do. So, make sure you have a good org. structure.
Then, secondly, analyse each job in the org chart since different job would have different size (i.e. impact, decision making power, complexity of jobs/works need to be done etc). Get these jobs evaluated and pay people at that job accordingly.
With that, decide what pay philosophy (some call rewards philosophy) you want to engage on. This is where I’d like to highlight a little bit the success of
All of the things I’ve said above can be worked out with established HR consultants. And don’t worry; I ain’t selling anything to you because I am definitely not a consultant, but just a young fellow who sees the importance of these things in any organisation. For the sake of your organisation, have good thought of it. If all of this sounds very naïve & novice, pardon me but it works freaking well in big big big corporations.
4. National Service
I admire you for your decision to run the state office as it is definitely a national service. Not many people can do it because I believe others would just know how to talk, criticise and complain. That’s us, the typical Malaysian people. So, I hope you’ll take things easy and always remember that you’re now doing a national service which I can guarantee would be are quite challenging. Always be humble because the pakcik & makcik, apek & amoi, an-ne & achi whom you see everyday voted you into office. They are your stakeholders. They are your master. The people is always bigger than your political party whether you’re DAP, PKR, PAS, UMNO, MCA, MIC etc. So, serve them well and really really think hard of the actions that you’ll take. Causality – action and reactions. I will continuously help out to my best ability to ensure that
Good luck with the above and I truly hope to see a truly efficient, professional, fair & justice well conducted government, not just in Penang but throughout
p.s. I want to see leaders in this country to inspire its people, that their words will burn and wake the giant within us! I want to see leaders that we all can be proud of. For time being, I cannot see any yet in Malaysian political scene. Hope that you’ll develop the people around you to be great leaders! (see Stephen Covey’s 8th Habit)
Now that the people has voted you into the office along with fellow colleagues in PKR & PAS, please kindly be super-extra careful with press releases/conference etc.
You all know what's going to happen once the hungry govt-controlled medias would do if they can play up even 1 particular word.
So, please go through your press statements again and again, and ensure that the currrent Opposition would not have a chance to shoot back at you. Be flawless.
If needs be, go train up or develop yourselves in handling the media esp in giving out press statements/releases.
Another thing to watch is the attitude of the party members or state officers. Smile a lot. Win over the people with charm. Handle tough questions with humility and respect. All the things you'd want to see when a leader gives press statement.
I know it's not easy as it seems. But these are crucial moments when you do not want your Opposition to take a snipe at petty litte things especially when it quoted out of your press releases/interviews etc.
So, I hope this makes sense to all new MBs/CMs and state officers.
As in big organisation, people are the most important asset. So, develop the people well and with the will of God, things will just get better!
Again Jeff, the people has voted you and your colleagues in. Your duty are towards the people. Take good care of them. Always remember where we all came from. Never lose the sight of the people.
"Brother....what we do in life.... echoes in eternity" - The Gladiator.
My best wishes to you and your colleagues.